Senin, 17 September 2012

my first awards

shock? yeah me too. this is my first day to be a beauty blogger ~ ckckkc
so i get a award, huftt~ thankssssss :*
i really thank full for sabrina
she give me this award

These are 5 rules of Versatile Award :

1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
2. Let the nominated know what they have been nominated for this award
3. Shared 7 random fact about yourself
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post

I nominate (randomly) : 
2. fitri
7. Mels
8. Riku
10. Modi
11. Yosella
13. Sara
15. Irene

7 random facts about me 
1. aku masih kelas 2 sma hehehe
2. umur aku masih 15 tahun
3.aku suka banget sama make up
4. aku memakai blackberry dan android
5. aku suka make up yang lucu
6. i love ulzzang 
7. ingin menjadi yang terbaik ^^

2 komentar:

  1. Thank you awardnya, iseng-iseng blogwalking ke sini ternyata ada namaku disini hehe ^^ nanti di reply ya ^^

    Salam kenal!

  2. ia salam kenal juga ^^ , oh ia sama2 hehee ^^ follow GFC aku ya biar kita jadi temenan
